

Policy Manager has flagged an aggregated route such that it will not be added to any Adj-RIB-Out and hence not advertised. This is because the aggregated route either matches the aggregate address' suppress route map, or because the aggregate address is configured so that only the aggregate address is advertised and not the aggregated addresses. The route will be not be advertised individually and will only be advertised in the aggregate route.


No action required - Informational message only.



Message Text

Protocol Policy Manager has aggregated a route and will not advertise the route individually. VR: %p1% <AFI, SAFI>: <%p2%, %p3%> Prefix of aggregate address: %p4% Length of aggregate address prefix: %p5% Prefix of route which has been aggregated: %p6% Length of route prefix: %p7%

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 uInt32
p2 uInt16
p3 uInt8
p4 HexByteArray
p5 uInt8
p6 HexByteArray
p7 uInt8